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ABA Inside Track

Jan 31, 2018

Then, from beyond the realms of known behavior analysis comes the research grab bag.  This lumbering beast has returned yet again to bring forth research from all corners of the globe.  Gaze upon the grab bag's works, ye mighty, and despair that you have yet to learn of disguised mands, portion control, and text-message...

Jan 24, 2018

Next week's episode is a magical multiple of 12 which means we'll be diving straight into the grab bag! What articles have piqued our fancies this week? Fortunately, Jackie and Diana decide to hijack the podcast with the amazing origin stories of their articles.  Rob begrudgingly goes along for the ride.  Afterwards:...

Jan 17, 2018

By reading and discussing these two articles, we're pretty confident that every important aspect of social reinforcer assessment gets covered.  From back pats to nose beeps, from finding social reinforcers to assessing them.  Seriously.  It's all here in these two articles.  And when you gaze into social...

Jan 10, 2018

Our newest topic, social reinforcer assessments, gives us such joy, we're seeing fireworks! But, before we get to talking about the big issue, we share some ABA-entertainment for these cold, snowy days, though mostly end up talking about home invasion movies and Hallmark romances.  Plus, recent erRATta from the

Jan 3, 2018

This week our special guest becomes our special guest co-host as Nick Green from BehaviorFit returns to the podcast to talk with us about behavioral fitness.  Can the Good Behavior Game increase our activity levels? And just how do variable-ratio schedules deal with obesity.  All that, plus an update on Nick's movement...