Jun 27, 2018
Not a day goes by that the treatment and care for children with autism and their families isn't in the news. Sadly, many recent headlines have focused on the alarming challenges that these families face in looking for effective treatment (i.e., ABA) even with the sweeping changes to insurance coverage of autism...
Jun 20, 2018
Ah, the beautiful summer weather is finally upon us. And what better time to talk about how hard it is for some students to attend school. Is it bad teaching? Permissive parents? School anxiety? How the heck are we supposed to find out the function of school refusal behavior? Fortunately, Dr. Christopher Kearney and...
Jun 13, 2018
So, when does, "Mommy, I don't wanna go to school" move beyond a frustrating way to start the day to a serious problem? Next week, we're talking all about the phenomenon of school-refusal behavior and what you can do to help. In the meantime we bring up some life-affirming quotes and get a glimpse at Rob's most prized...
Jun 6, 2018
This week we're researching the age-old question: Will I be happier by doing stuff or just waiting for the world to reward me? In behavioral terms, we're discussing whether humans prefer contingent or noncontingent reinforcement. After going over two excellent research articles exploring this question through the use...