Jan 17, 2018
By reading and discussing these two articles, we're pretty confident that every important aspect of social reinforcer assessment gets covered. From back pats to nose beeps, from finding social reinforcers to assessing them. Seriously. It's all here in these two articles. And when you gaze into social reinforcer assessments, social reinforcer assessments gaze into you!
Articles discussed this episode:
Smaby, K., MacDonald, R.P.F., Ahearn, W.H., & Dube, W.V. (2007) Assessment protocol for identifying preferred social consequences. Behavioral Interventions, 22, 311-318. doi: 10.1002/bin.242
Kelly, M.A., Roscoe, E.M., Hanley, G.P., & Schlichenmeyer, K. (2014). Evaluation of assessment methods for identifying social reinforcers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 47, 113-135. doi: 10.1002/jaba.107
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