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ABA Inside Track

Jan 5, 2022

Happy New Year! It's got to be better than last year, right? If you listened to our recent bonus episode, you'll have already heard our big news: We're still making podcasts! And we're starting off with some bangers. First, Dr. Cirincione-Ulezi discusses development of cultural humility and barriers to leadership in ABA for black women. Then, for those who missed it, our live recording on behavioral cusps. Then, to start the new year stress-free, Dr. Moore shares treatment ideas for anxiety. Relax and enjoy!

Articles for January 2022

Cultural Humility and Barriers to Leadership w/ Dr, Cirincione-Ulezi

Wright, P.I. (2019). Cultural humility in the practice of applied behavior analysis. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12, 805-809. doi: 10/1007/s40617-019-00343-8

Cirincione-Ulezi, N. (2020). Black women and barriers to leadership in ABA. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 13, 719-724. doi: 10.1007/s40617-020-00444-9

Behavioral Cusps (LIVE)

Rosales-Ruiz, J. & Baer, D.M. (1997). Behavioral cusps: A developmental and pragmatic concept for behavior analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 30, 533-544. doi: 10.1901/jaba.1997.30-533

Bosch, S. & Fuqua, R.W. (2001). Behavioral cusps: A model for selecting target behaviors. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 34, 123-125. doi: 10.1901/jaba.2001.34-123

Smith, G.J., McDougall, D., & Edelen-Smith, P. (2006). Behavioral cusps: A person-centered concept for establishing pivotal individual, family, and community repertoires. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 21, 223-229. doi: 10.1177/10883576060210040301

Anxiety Treatment in Autism w/ Dr. Keira Moore

Moore, K., Bullard, A., Sweetman, G., & Ahearn, W.H. (2021). Assessing and treating anxiety in individuals with autism. Behavior Modification. doi: 10.1177/01454455211051678

Jones, K.M. & Friman, P.C. (1999). A case study of behavioral assessment an treatment of insect phobia. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 32, 95-98. doi: 10.1901/jaba.1999.32-95