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ABA Inside Track

Apr 27, 2016

In preparation for this week's episode, Rob calls out Jurassic World for its poor representation of clicker training.  To balance the scales, we'll be discussing TAGteach and its application in learning motor skills.  Listen up, Hollywood!

Articles to read for next week:

Quinn, M.J., Miltenberger, R.G., & Fogel, V.A....

Apr 20, 2016

In this week's episode, we review articles on novel behavior.  Diana gushes over lag schedules and their effects on novel architectural features in children's play, Rob demands 21st-century learning for America, and Jackie wishes for her very own block building kit.  Then the gang gets cerebral in a discussion about...

Apr 13, 2016

Next week's episode is all new...and all about novel behavior.  Not novel: goofy claims from the anti-vaccine lobby in the form of a new "documentary".  Much teasing of anti-science ensues.

To help you get prepared for the full episode, here are the articles we'll be discussing:

Goetz, E.M. & Baer, D.M. (1973).  Social...

Apr 6, 2016

This week we bring you the maaaaaagic of stories as we discuss the use of social stories in skill instruction.  Will these popular and easy-to-create documents prove successful in training children to engage in more prosocial skills? Or will social stories turn out too good to be true.  All this plus Rob talks Muppet...